Motorbike Valet & ACF-50
Keeping your bike regularly serviced and maintained is a must for any rider. Corrosion and seized parts adds time and cost onto what can already be an expensive necessity.
Our treatment products have been shown to substantially reduce corrosion by up to 70% while at the same time penetrating and lubricating.
As an added bonus you should see time and effort you put into cleaning your bike greatly reduced. More fun time to do what you bought your bike for.
Using the correct cleaning products and techniques, Ultimate Valet Cambridge will prepare your bike for the coating with advanced corrosion protection products that stay protecting for up to 12 months on electrical and motorised parts and 3 years with the ceramic upgrade on other areas.

Pre Rinse
Full Degrease
Hi Foam Shampoo
Warm air dry
Pre-Spray prep
Professional high-pressure spray-gun application of ACF-50. NOT from aerosol can.
Hand Polish & Wax
ACF50 Hand Finish

Cost - £99.99 - with ACF-50
Cost - £115.00 with XCP Rust Blocker
Optional Chain Sprockets cleaned & re-lubed - £15.00
Optional Uprgade Ceramic Coating - £95.00
Hard luggage £10.00 per box